About Cris Ruas

Cris Ruas was born in Cascavel, PR, Brazil and since she was a child, she already showed fascination for the creative world. Colors, fabrics and designs – creation and its processes – have always been in Cris' DNA. As an adult, she built a career in fashion design – with more than two decades dedicated to the area and the luxury market. After motherhood, Cris sought to reframe her creative purpose. The feminine and all its symbology. From fashion to jewelry. The empowerment.

Cris's mission as the head of CR is to design authorial jewelry that combines fashion and design with meticulous cutting processes and exquisite gems. For women who avoid the obvious. For real goddesses.

From the designs and creative process to the handcrafted production of unique, singular and meaningful jewelry.

Cris seeks – in an obstinate and passionate way – to create jewels that allow multiple combinations.

In addition to the classic line, the designer and creative director brings the 'One Piece' concept, which allows creative combinations between jewels and, consequently, the construction of different moods that communicate them, capturing the essence and versatility of contemporary women.


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